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Nationalbankens Statbank Insurance and pension Select from table DNFPVAL
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DNFPVAL: Insurance and pension fund's currency exposure and hedge (DISCONTINUED)
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Insurance and pension fund's currency exposure and hedge (DISCONTINUED)
by currency, company type, values and time
1. Insurance companies and pension funds
1. Currency exposure1 223.341 227.641 221.671 213.901 250.981 267.841 294.081 292.051 329.521 311.461 365.411 400.231 413.301 479.15
1.1. Hedged exposure893.80915.70889.84876.09901.94893.03927.85930.00950.91921.61949.80970.48954.23982.49
1.2. Non-hedged exposure329.54311.94331.83337.81349.04374.81366.22362.04378.61389.86415.62429.76459.08496.66

The table is discontinued. New data can be found in the table DNFPVALE.

Unit : DKK bn
Contact : Birthe Merethe Jensen  +45 33636821
Martin Dencker Raffnsøe  +45 33636850
Information : Show documentation

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