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DNMNOGL: Key figures for MFI-sector by key figures and sector
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Key figures for MFI-sector by sector, key figures and time
X000: All sectors domestic and foreign
Monetary aggregate M1 (DKK million)1 520 029.41 519 180.01 501 332.51 523 904.61 529 103.51 513 310.8
- Bank notes and coins in circulation (DKK million)64 805.264 460.963 855.062 154.659 944.658 881.6
- Transferable deposits (DKK million)1 455 224.31 454 719.21 437 477.41 461 750.01 469 158.91 454 429.2
Monetary aggregate M2 (DKK million)1 725 256.51 737 814.51 715 001.31 742 227.61 761 153.01 746 745.5
- Deposits with agreed maturity with original maturity up to and including 2 years (DKK million)161 302.8174 675.3172 895.5176 512.8189 872.0195 006.3
- Deposits redeemable at notice with original maturity up to and including 3 months (DKK million)43 924.243 959.240 773.341 810.242 177.538 428.4
Monetary aggregate M3 (DKK million)1 909 253.01 900 325.01 908 102.01 952 572.31 912 920.71 916 711.7
- Repos (DKK million)25 017.025 420.045 735.950 184.837 703.437 310.5
- Debt securities issued with original maturity up to and including 2 years and money market shares/units (DKK million)158 979.5137 090.4147 364.8160 159.9114 064.3132 655.7
Seasonally adjusted M1 (DKK million)............
- of which seasonally adjusted bank notes and coins in circulation (DKK million)............
Seasonally adjusted M2 (DKK million)............

.. indicates that the observation is missing or fall under the limit of discretion/uncertainty.

Unit : -
Contact : Rasmus Kofoed Mandsberg  +45 33636860
Jacob Wiberg Larsen  +45 33636646
Information : Show document

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