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Nationalbankens Statbank
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Money, foreign exchange and derivatives market
Money, foreign exchange and derivatives market
DNFX: Banks purchase and sale of DKK by transaction type and dimension (2023M04-2024M11)
DNFXSWAP: Banks' purchase and sale of FX swaps in DKK divided on foreign currency, counterparty sector or maturity (2023M04-2024M11)
DNIRS: Banks payment and receipt of fixed interest rate in DKK interest rate swaps divided on foreign currency, maturity or reference rate (2023M04-2024M11)
DNSEMM: Banks secured borrowing and lending in DKK divided on counterparty sector, maturity or collateral (2023M04-2024M11)
DNUNMM: Banks unsecured borrowing and lending in DKK divided on counterparty sector or maturity (2023M04-2024M11)