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Nationalbankens Statbank
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Interest rates
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Banking and mortgage lending
Balance of payments and international investment position
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Investment funds
Direct investments
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International reserves and foreign currency liquidity
Specification of Danmarks Nationalbanks balance sheet
Central-goverment finance and debt
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Investment funds
Investment funds
DNIFUBAL: Total balance of investmentfunds (2018M01-2024M07)
DNIFSUM: Number of funds and the investors equity (2018M01-2024M07)
DNIFHVEM: Investors funds investors (2018M01-2024M07)
DNIFINVE: Investment funds investments (2018M01-2024M07)
Discontinued series
DNIFBAL: Balance of investment funds broken down by fund category, item and data type (DISCONTINUED) (2010M01-2018M01)
DNIFAM: Investment fund shares/units broken down by fund category, investment type and data type (DISCONTINUED) (2010M01-2018M01)
DNIFAFD: Investment fund shares/units broken down by fund category, country, sector and data type (DISCONTINUED) (2010M01-2018M01)
DNIFIM: Investment fund shares/units broken down by investment type, sector and data type (DISCONTINUED) (2010M01-2018M01)
DNIFRIS: Investment fund shares/units broken down by fund category, risk category, sector and data type (DISCONTINUED) (2010M01-2018M01)
DNIFO: Investment fund statistic - selected items broken down by fund category, item, country, sector and data type (DISCONTINUED) (2010M01-2018M01)
DNIFLOB: Investment funds holding of bonds broken down by maturity, country, sector and data type (DISCONTINUED) (2010M01-2018M01)
DNIFVAL1: Investment fund statistic - selected items broken down by currency by item, currency and data type (DISCONTINUED) (2010M01-2018M01)
DNIFVAL: Balance sheets of investment association statistics - selected instruments by item, country and currency (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q1-2009Q4)
DNINVF: Balance sheets of investment associations by fund category, country, currency, item, sector and data type (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q1-2009Q4)
DNINVF1: Balance sheets of investment association statistics by item, sector, country and data type (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q1-2009Q4)
DNINVF2: Balance sheets of investment association statistics - Certificates issued by fund category, sector and data type (DISCONTINUED) (1999Q1-2009Q4)