What is the Statbank of Danmarks Nationalbank |
WHAT IS DANMARKS NATIONALBANK'S STATBANK Danmarks Nationalbank's StatBank covers financial statistics of Danmarks Nationalbank, i.e. detailed statistics on: Balance of payments – Financial account, Danmarks Nationalbank's lending survey, Denmark's international investment position, Foreign direct investments - quarterly transactions and annual statement, Financial accounts - quarterly, Foreign portfolio investments, Investment funds, Statistics on balance sheets of banks and mortgage banks, Statistics on interest rates of banks and mortgage banks and Securities statistics. Danmarks Nationalbank's subject areas are also available as an integral part of Statistics Denmark's StatBank. The database is free of charge and data can be exported in several file formats and presented as diagrams.
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Latest releases |
DNINDEX: Compounded Index by item and methodology
DNPRND: The banks' and the mortgage-credit institutes' accounts (net position) with the Nationalbank
DNRENTD: Danmarks Nationalbank's official interest rates and money and capital market interest rates by item, country and methodology (daily observations)
DNVALD: Daily exchange rates by currency and type
DNBOPM: Balance of payments financial account - transactions between Denmark and abroad by balance, item, domestic sector, currency and country
DNFDIFLO: Direct investments transactions (flow) by direction, instrument and country
DNFDIINC: Foreign direct investments in Denmark by country, instrument and data type
DNFDIINI: Foreign direct investments in Denmark by domestic industry (DB07), instrument and data type
DNFDIOUC: Danish direct investments abroad by country by country, instrument and data type
DNFDIOUI: Danish direct investments abroad by foreign industry (DB07), instrument and data type
DNFDIPTI: Pass-through investments (pass-through holding activity) by direction, data type and country
DNRA: Reserve assets - stock on foreign exchange reserves by data type, item and currency
DNUDERHV: Credit condition survey, Corporate Lending (Net figures) by type of institute, industry, question and period
DNUDPRIV: Credit condition survey, lending to households (Net figures) by type of institute, question and period
DNSNB1: Specification on Danmarks Nationalbank's balance sheet by specification and item - Stock
DNSNB2: Specification on Danmarks Nationalbank's balance sheet by specification and item - Transactions
DNMUF1: Loans to households and corporations by methodology, data type, sector and instrument
DNRENTM: Danmarks Nationalbank's official interest rates and money and capital market interest rates by item, country and methodology (monthly observations)
DNVALM: Monthly exchange rates by currency, type and methodology
DNFPAFKL: Insurance and pension fund's return on investments by country
Release calendar
General terms |
Responsibility of Danmarks Nationalbank Danmarks Nationalbank shall not be responsible for any errors or delays due to force majeure, including errors or delays due to strikes or lockouts, and neither for direct or indirect losses or consequential damage to the customer or any joint contractors of the customer caused by the said events.
Special terms applying to the customer When making use of the material submitted Danmarks Nationalbank - nationalbanken.statbank.dk shall be stated as the source in accordance with established custom and to the extent conditioned by the purpose.
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